Is The Food In Your Grocery Store Real Food? The Hidden Dangers of RNA-Modified Produce: What You Need to Know and How to Protect Yourself

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Did you know that the food on your plate could be silently altered through RNA modification, and you’d have no idea? This isn’t the same as genetically modified organisms (GMO); RNA modified produce is something entirely different. The worst part is that manufacturers, farmers, and grocery stores aren’t required to label RNA modified produce as such, meaning you’d never know what you’re consuming. How concerning is that?

Over recent years, there has been a growing concern over the injection of RNA into fruits and vegetables, which has grown scientific debate as well as public apprehension. While our food supply is evolving or shrinking (depending on your definition of food), it is important that we learn about such changes in foods and how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the possible implications. Here at Holy Herbology, we go deeply into these issues to prepare you with the needed knowledge to make great choices when it comes to your health. Now let’s dive into what’s goin on with these RNA modified produce.

What Is RNA Modification in Produce?

Genetic modification of fresh produce with RNA refers to the use of RNA interference to change vegetables and fruits. In general, this technology works through the process of adding, subtracting, or neutralizing the RNA molecules in plants to suppress or alter genes that could relate even to resistance against pests, which prolongs shelf life or enhances nutritional attributes.

Key Points About RNA Modification:

  1. Technology Overview: RNAi technology is involved when injections of RNA molecules into plant cells are performed. These molecules interact with the plant’s own genetic machinery or DNA to suppress or alter the expression of targeted genes. When a plant’s genetic expression is altered, the way its components interact with your body upon ingestion can also change. Which is why this is such a huge concern because this simple but yet very complex process can lead to unexpected health reactions or altered nutritional profiles, highlighting a critical area of concern for the health of the consumer or the person eating these so-called fruits and vegetables.
  2. Purpose and Applications: RNA modification is used to achieve various agricultural goals, including increasing yield or the amount of food produced in volume by 1 single seed, improving pest resistance, and the attempt to enhance nutritional value. The problem arises when these genetic modifications affect how the plant’s components interact with human biology. For example, let’s consider two versions of the same fruit—say an apple.
    • Conventional Apple: This apple is grown with standard agricultural practices and may even be treated with pesticides and fertilizers to help the crop make its maturity. But, its natural biochemical profile includes a balance of sugars, acids, and antioxidants like it always has since its origin .
    • RNA-Modified Apple: In contrast, the RNA-modified apple has been altered to resist browning or to be more pest-resistant therefore fertilizers and pesticide are no longer needed. Imagine the increase in profit simply by not needing to continuously spray the crops for insects or fertilize/feed the crop the food needed to continue its growth production. But in order to achieve this, specific genes in the apple have to be silenced or altered. This could result in the apple producing different amounts or types of certain compounds. For instance, the RNA modification might lead the apple to produce higher levels of a particular protein that could interact with your immune system or digestive enzymes in unexpected ways.
  3. In layman’s terms: Think of it like this—imagine if a fruit’s natural recipe was changed by swapping out some ingredients. The modified fruit might taste slightly different or cause unexpected reactions in your body because of the new ‘ingredients’ introduced by genetic changes. For example, if the modified apple produces compounds that your body isn’t used to, it might lead to digestive issues, allergic, or worst reactions that wouldn’t occur with the conventional apple.
  4. Examples of Modified Produce: Some examples include genetically modified potatoes or apples that are designed to resist browning and spoilage. While these modifications could potentially have some positive implications, such as reduced food waste, they may also introduce unforeseen changes in the genetic and chemical makeup of the product , which could ultimately lead to a huge impact on your health in ways that are not yet fully understood. Especially if this is the only food available to you and you are consuming it unknowingly on a daily basis. And trust me, this can lead to problems that you do not want anything to do with!

Who Is Behind RNA Modification?

1. Biotech Companies: Major biotechnology companies, such as Monsanto (now part of Bayer), Syngenta, and BASF, or the makers of common known products such as Aleve (general pain relief) , Claritin (allergy relief), Alka-Seltzer (digestive relief), MiraLAX(digestive relief), and even Roundup and Luna (weed control and pesticide) are at the forefront of developing and applying RNAi technology in agriculture. These companies invest heavily in research to develop crops with enhanced traits, including RNA-modified varieties. Their focus on marketable traits often overshadows potential long-term health impacts that might only become apparent after prolonged consumption. I don’t know about you guys, but I find it very interesting that the companies that make medicine to treat various symptoms are also investing in ways of modifying food that can potentially make you sick. I’ll just leave that there to simmer a bit. 

2. Research Institutions: Academic and research institutions also enter the race of developing RNA modification technologies. They conduct studies to understand the modality of the actions of RNAi, and even go as far as assessing possible benefits and risks. While research is targeted at enhancing the quality and durability of crops, we at Holy Herbology think the approach has to be more oriented toward reflection on how all these changes could ultimately impact human health.

3. Regulatory Bodies: Government agencies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) are responsible for evaluating the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops. Their assessments influence which products are allowed in the market. Regulatory evaluations often focus on immediate safety and nutritional aspects but may not fully address the long-term biological interactions of RNA-modified produce.

Should We Be Concerned?

1. Potential Health Risks:

  • Unknown Long-Term Effects: The long-term health effects of consuming RNA-modified produce are not fully understood. While RNAi is considered a promising tool for agricultural improvements, its potential impact on human health remains a mystery although it has been a topic of research and debate. The modifications may cause unnoticeable physical changes in the plant’s chemical profile although even this could be argued against because the taste could slightly be altered. But all-in-all the point is that RNAi modified food could very well negatively interact with human physiology in ways you couldn’t even imagine. I’m talking about effects that could impact generations to come, and that is exactly the problem!
  • Allergic Reactions: There are also concerns about the potential for RNA modifications to trigger allergic reactions or other adverse effects in susceptible individuals. Since RNA modifications can alter the proteins or compounds within the plant, they might introduce new allergens or even intensify existing sensitivities.

2. Environmental Impact:

  • Biodiversity: The widespread use of RNA modification technology may affect biodiversity by promoting monocultures and reducing genetic diversity in crops (Think of this as inbreeding of crops). A lack of genetic diversity can lead to increased vulnerability to diseases and pests, potentially causing ecological imbalances.
  • Ecosystem Disruption: The introduction of genetically modified plants could have unforeseen consequences on local ecosystems, including impacts on non-target species and soil health. Changes in plant biochemistry might even affect interactions with pollinators such as bees and soil microorganisms such as fungi and insects, leading to broader ecological effects. And, nobody is talking about this why? 

3. Ethical and Social Considerations:

  • Transparency: There are growing demands for clear labeling of genetically modified produce in order to give consumers some choices. Without clear labeling, it is highly impossible for consumers to avoid products with altered RNA or test for any possible health consequences. But just to clear, when you see Non GMO, that DOES NOT mean not RNA as of now. 
  • Corporate Control: The consolidation of seed production and control by a few large biotech companies raises concerns about market control and the future of small-scale farming. Dominance by a few corporations can limit consumer choices and influence agricultural practices on a global scale.

Understanding Produce Codes

1. What Are Produce Codes?

  • PLU Codes: Produce codes, also known as PLU (Price Look-Up) codes, are four or five-digit numbers used to identify fruits and vegetables at the checkout. These codes help grocery stores differentiate between different types of produce.

2. The Meaning of the Numbers:

  • Four-Digit Codes: Produce with a four-digit code is conventionally grown. These codes do not indicate whether the produce is organic or genetically modified. For example, a four-digit code of 4011 signifies a conventional banana. While these codes show how the produce was grown, they do not provide information about RNA modifications.
  • Five-Digit Codes Starting with 9: Produce with a five-digit code starting with 9 is certified organic. For instance, a five-digit code of 94011 denotes an organic banana. Organic produce is grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetic modifications. By choosing organic, you can avoid RNA-modified crops and support sustainable farming practices.
  • Five-Digit Codes Starting with 8: Historically, a five-digit code starting with 8 was used to indicate genetically modified produce. However, this practice has not been widely adopted, and such codes are not consistently used. For example, the code 84011 was intended for genetically modified bananas, but its use is limited. The lack of consistent coding for GMOs means that other measures, such as organic certification, are more reliable indicators of non-modified produce.

3. Why Should You Know More?

  • Informed Choices: Knowledge of such codes will help buyers make informed choices regarding the type of fresh produce they purchase. Understanding the conventional, organic, and perhaps genetically changed produce, this makes one more aware of your selection of food that appeals to your values and concerns about health. Your being more knowledgeable will help you to take better care of your health and make choices that are in line with your values concerning the person and the environment.

The Importance of Organic Produce

1. What Does Organic Mean?

  • Legally for Consumers: In the United States, the term “organic” refers to food that is produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified organisms, or artificial fertilizers. Organic farming practices focus on maintaining soil health and biodiversity.
  • For Farmers: Organic farming follows certain regulations of the USDA-like usage of organic seeds, avoiding the substances prohibited, and record keeping of farming practices. Organic farming requires farmers to get certification before they can market their products as organic.
  • Legally and in Latin: The term “organic” derives from the Latin word “organicus,” translating in the general sense as “pertaining to an organ or organism.” The organic way, therefore, refers to a holistic approach in agriculture based on natural processes and sustainability.

2. Why Organic is Important:

  • Health Benefits: Organic fruits and vegetables will contain fewer residues of highly toxic pesticides and other synthetic chemicals. Some studies suggest that organic farming could lead to a higher content of nutrients and lesser toxigenicity. Organic farming does not use RNA modification, so you are going to be ingesting a product with its normal biochemical profile, which minimizes the chances of unintended health consequences.
  • Environmental Impact: Organic farming promotes soil health, reduces pollution, and supports biodiversity. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic agriculture helps protect both the ecosystems and wildlife. By supporting organic farming, you are also supporting a more sustainable and balanced ecosystem overall.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones

1. Choose Organic Produce: Organic farming practices generally avoid the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and RNA modification. When you purchase organic produce, you are in essence drastically reducing your exposure to potentially modified crops.

2. Support Local and Sustainable Agriculture: Purchasing from local farmers who use traditional or sustainable farming methods can help you avoid genetically modified produce. Support farmers’ markets and community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. To find a local market near you, click here.

3. Grow Your Own Food:

  • Replant Organic Seeds: Only replant seeds from organic fruits or vegetables purchased from reliable sources. This ensures that you are growing produce without genetic modifications. This also can extremely cut down on food expenses once your organic home garden begins to produce crops. 
  • Transplant Known Organics: Opt for seedlings and transplants from known organic sources to maintain the integrity of your garden.
  • Purchase from Trustworthy Heirloom Seed Banks: Invest in seeds from reputable heirloom seed banks that offer non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties.

Explore our recommended heirloom seed options here.

4. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest developments in agricultural biotechnology and RNA modification. Understanding the science and regulatory landscape can help you make more informed choices. You can simply subscribe to our newsletter or find more information here.

5. Advocate for Transparency: Support initiatives and organizations that advocate for clear labeling of genetically modified and RNA-modified foods. Transparent labeling helps consumers make informed decisions about their food.

Real-World Scenarios and Implications

1. Case Study: RNA-Modified Potatoes

Again, let us consider two types of potatoes:

  • Conventional Potato: This potato is grown using traditional farming methods. It may be treated with pesticides and fertilizers. Its natural biochemistry includes a standard balance of nutrients and compounds that our bodies are accustomed to processing.
  • RNA-Modified Potato: This potato has been genetically engineered to resist browning. To achieve this, specific genes that cause browning are silenced. This modification might change the potato’s chemical makeup, including the levels of certain proteins and enzymes. In simple terms, it’s like taking a standard recipe and altering some ingredients. The modified potato might have different flavors or textures, and its altered compounds could interact with your body differently.

Potential Issue: For example, if the modification changes how the potato’s proteins interact with your digestive enzymes, it could potentially cause digestive discomfort or allergic reactions. The altered biochemical profile means your body might respond to the RNA-modified potato in unexpected ways, unlike the conventional potato.

2. Scenario: RNA-Modified Apples

  • Conventional Apple: This apple is grown with standard agricultural practices and may even be treated with pesticides and fertilizers to help the crop make its maturity. But, its natural biochemical profile includes a balance of sugars, acids, and antioxidants like it always has since its origin .
  • RNA-Modified Apple: In contrast, the RNA-modified apple has been altered to resist browning or to be more pest-resistant therefore fertilizers and pesticide are no longer needed. Imagine the increase in profit simply by not needing to continuously spray the crops for insects or fertilize/feed the crop the food needed to continue its growth production. But in order to achieve this, specific genes in the apple have to be silenced or altered. This could result in the apple producing different amounts or types of certain compounds. For instance, the RNA modification might lead the apple to produce higher levels of a particular protein that could interact with your immune system or digestive enzymes in unexpected ways.

Potential Issue: The changes in the apple’s chemical composition might affect how your body processes it. For instance, increased protein levels could cause allergic reactions in some individuals, or reduced antioxidants might affect the apple’s health benefits. The modified apple’s altered biochemistry might lead to different health outcomes compared to its conventional counterpart.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial in making informed decisions about your diet and health. Stay vigilant and choose foods that align with your health and ethical values.

Did You Know?

Did you know that RNA modified produce can potentially alter the way their components interact with your body? When genetic changes are made to enhance traits like pest resistance or shelf life, they can result in new compounds or altered levels of existing ones. These changes might lead to unexpected health effects, such as digestive discomfort or allergic reactions at least that may be all you’re up against at first. .

Emerging research suggests that compromised gut health can have profound effects on overall brain function. Meaning a simple disrupted gut microbiome has been linked to cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases, much like how physical brain damage from injury or prolonged poor diet can affect brain health. This connection underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy gut to support overall well-being.

Source: A study published in the journal Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology highlights the critical role of gut health in brain function and the potential link between gut dysbiosis and neurological disorders. (Click here for more on this.)

By understanding these modifications and choosing organic or heirloom options, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from these potential risks.

Share the Knowledge

Knowledge is power or as we say Knowledge Is God , and sharing this information can empower others to make informed choices about their food. Spread the word about the potential impacts of RNA-modified produce and the importance of choosing organic or heirloom options. Educate your friends, family, and community about the benefits of organic farming and the significance of understanding produce codes.

How to Begin Protecting You and Your Loved Ones Today

Take control of your health and protect your family from potential risks associated with RNA-modified produce? Here’s how you can make a difference:

  1. Choose Organic: Opt for organic fruits and vegetables to avoid genetically modified organisms and RNA modifications. Explore our recommended organic produce and products here.
  2. Grow Your Own Food: Start your own garden using organic seeds or seedlings from trustworthy sources. Check out our heirloom seed recommendations here.
  3. Support Local Farmers: Buy from local markets and farmers who use sustainable and traditional farming methods. (Click here for markets near you.)
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in agricultural biotechnology and food safety. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates and insights.

Empower yourself and your loved ones with knowledge and make informed choices about the food you consume.

Feedback and Suggestions

We value your thoughts and experiences! Have you encountered RNA-modified produce or have questions about organic farming? Share your experiences with us and suggest topics you’d like us to cover in future posts. Your feedback helps us improve and provide the most relevant and valuable information for our readers.

Contact us at or leave a comment below.


The intersection of genetic engineering and agriculture is a rapidly evolving landscape with significant implications for our health and well-being. By understanding the potential impacts of RNA modifications on our food, we can make more informed choices that align with our health goals and ethical values.

Remember, true health is not just the absence of illness, but the presence of vitality and energy. Embrace nature’s wisdom, choose organic, support sustainable practices, and protect yourself and your loved ones from potential risks.

Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey. Stay informed, stay empowered, and remember: Knowledge is God.

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